Healthy Eating No Matter Where You Are

April 28, 2013 |

Not so long ago I have published an article When You Travel: Try cheese sandwiches in Amsterdam airport. Today it’s my pleasure to present you tips and tricks of healthy eating when you travel by Cole Millen, an invited writer.

Healthy Eating No Matter Where You AreWhen you go on the road, there is no reason to resign yourself to extra five or ten pounds. There are so many opportunities to have high-fat deep-fried food while you are on vacation, and if you don’t have a plan, it’s going to be very easy to simply pile your plate high and forget all about your dietary goals. Take a moment to think about how you can stay on top of your eating while you are out of town.

Eat Fresh

The rules that work at home also work while you are on road. Before you head to your hotel or wherever you are staying, pick up some healthy snacks like fruit. Whether you love apples, oranges, plums or peaches, pick up a bag and leave them close to hand. Fruit is great because you can eat it out of hand, and it requires no cooking at all. The sweetness of fruit helps you avoid sugary treats like candy.

Plan Out Your Meals

Any nutritionist will tell you that you should plan your meals. If you know what kind of meals you are going to be eating, you will not have to make snap decisions that will end with you at a fast food restaurant. You can use online maps to find out what food options are available in the area or on the way. Make it a point to avoid fast-food spots if you can; instead look for places where you can sit down.

Picking the Right Hotel

Often overlooked, being in the right hotel that can accommodate to your healthy lifestyle can make all the difference in the world. Doing a little research to determine the best place to stay is very important. I have tried all sorts of methods and determined that the most effective form of research is online reviews. I was recently traveling out west and found a great site that listed the hotels in Las Vegas along with reviews regarding not only their amenities but also on restaurants nearby and things to do. This was so very helpful and was pivotal in booking the perfect hotel for my lifestyle.

Salad and Fish

There are some restaurants that are going to be better for you than others. For example, avoid buffets and any sort of all-you-can eat facilities. Places like this encourage overeating, and you’ll find that it is hard to stick with your rules when you are confronted with a buffet. Instead, look for a salad bar, where you can have as many greens as you like, or for a place that specializes in baked fish or steamed fish. If you can avoid the bad foods and make the right and healthy choices than you will be in great shape!

Drink Plenty of Water

One reason that people eat so much when they are on the road is that they do not stay properly hydrated. It is very easy to urge to eat with the urge to drink. To make sure that you stay hydrated, keep a bottle of water with you. Take a drink every time you pass a water fountain. Skip the soda, as it is full of calories and on top of that, because it is a diuretic, it actually leaves you feel drier than you were before.

Do Some Cooking

If you want to make sure that you eat well while you are on the road, do some of your own cooking. Bring along a small crockpot, which you can use to steam chicken and rice and to make soups. You can also make fantastic hot sandwiches with a small toaster oven. You can also use the toaster oven to warm up frozen food from the grocery store.

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Category: Healthy diet

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  1. During the summer months, we hit the road and spend lots of time in the car – camping, heading to the mountains , Banff or Jasper for an overnight stay or hike, or to the west coast through BC to Tofino . Road food can be fun, but it’s easy to fall back on drive-thrus, and on some stretches there aren’t many options. Often we’re not in the mood to stop for a proper meal – and it can get pricey, eating out three times a day. We’ve become pretty good at coming up with healthy portable snacks that are easy to transport and eat in the car (and hotel rooms), and a few good ideas for healthy stops. Here are some fresh ideas – especially if you’re traveling with kids!